Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irish Spring - No, not the soap

This year Spring begins on March 20th at 4:21 p.m. PDT.  In Ireland, St. Patrick's Day is considered the start of spring.
painting by Henry Charles Bryant
On this day livestock, which have been in shelter all winter, are moved out to pasture where they'll stay until the end of October. 
Painting by Vincent van Gogh
There is an Irish saying that "St. Patrick turns the warm side of the stone uppermost."  Irish farmers use this as their instruction to plant potatoes on St. Patrick's Day.

Locally, the buds on ornamental and fruit trees are popping, so I'll use this as my indication to get to work in my garden!

1 comment:

  1. The "wearing of the green" is finished for a year, but I still have lots of green candy to eat. Maybe it will develop into "green fat" which of course means it will be with me until next year. Good blog, keep it going girl!
