Friday, March 25, 2011

Can You Define Yourself In Six Words?

Rumor has it that Ernest Hemingway was sitting with some other writers in the Algonquin Hotel in New York, and he bet them that he could write his autobiography in six words.  He came up with this witty sentence: "For Sale:  Baby shoes, never worn."

As a member of the JCHS, I was thinking about how would I describe the Society in six words, and this is what I came up with:

 Collecting, preserving, exhibiting, promoting, interpreting history.

 Take my challenge, define yourself in six words, and enter them in the comment section below.

Without knowing he was participating, Larry King summed up the late Elizabeth Taylor's life as "Everything you can do, she did."

Here are a few more examples I found clever.

"Lazy optimist dies happily of starvation."
"Fourteen years old, story still untold."
"I still make coffee for two."
"Wasn't born a blonde, fixed that."

1 comment:

  1.'s interesting what you come up with.
    We need to laugh every day...thanks for your help!
