Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tea to be Grown in Southern Oregon!

This newspaper story was published April 26, 1902.

"Officials of the Southern Pacific company have become convinced that tea can be raised profitably in southern Oregon and today General Freight and Passenger Agent Miller sent a number of tea plants to Grant's Pass, Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville, where the industry will be given a thorough test."

This test of growing tea in Southern Oregon does not seem to have been very fruitful.  Today, small quantities of tea are grown commercially in Oregon, and there are many backyard gardeners that grow their own tea.

Trying to find the results of the exploration of growing tea in Southern Oregon led me to a type of tea made from pine trees, and we have plenty of those!  This particular tea is called "tallstrunt" in Sweden, and is made by steeping young, green pine needles in boiling water.  It is said to be high in vitamins A and C.

If you're interested in making "tallstrunt" tea, click on "Hesson Haus..." below for detailed instructions. 

Hesson Haus: Tallstrunt Tea: "I was in the kitchen makin' some pigs in a blanket for Brandon's 'poker night' [what a wife, eh?] when Lucas asked me if I'd ever had pine s..."

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